Speaking Events

We have been honoured with invitations to speak at events and share our approach to ethical fabric production and the experiences gained from meeting people across the textile industry - from farmers and mill owners, to designers and retailers. Our principles lie at the heart of what we do and the people we meet continue to impact how we understand and react to the challenges presented to us as we continue to strive towards a sustainable future.


Graduate Fashion Week

To mark the occasion of the Graduate Fashion Week’s Dame Vivienne Westwood Sustainable and Ethical Award, the Sustainable Angle - who supported the award - organised a panel discussion ‘Designing for Sustainability in fashion’. The discussion centred around examples of more sustainable and responsible materials for fashion both man-made and natural fibres which have a lower environmental impact, highlighting the variety of choices available and the necessity to move away from conventional, unsustainable polyester and cotton currently dominating the market.

London Fashion Week

As part of London Fashion Week’s Positive Fashion Initiative, The Sustainable Angle held the talk Future of Fashion: sustainable innovation at its core on the 18th September 2017. This was the first time sustainability in fashion was discussed in such a format at LFW, focusing on innovations that lower the environmental impact of fashion. A panel of industry insiders and experts discussed the future of fashion and how sustainable innovations can improve the industry and lessen the impact on the environment. One of our main concerns is increasing access to sustainable methods and materials for designers. 


On the 24th of November 2017, London’s Fashion and Textile Museum was host to Khadi Initiative’s event – A Way Ahead: Ethical Khadi. A group of activists and business owners explored the feasibility of adopting Khadi principals universally. Bysshe Partnership was invited to speak on the relevance of Khadi in the UK.

Museum of Brands

On the 28th of April 2018 the Museum of Brands hosted an event for Fashion Revolution Week. Where Does it Come From, Pebble Magazine and Ethical Hour organised a day of fashion shows, live spinning demonstrations, tailoring talks, panel discussions and ethical garment stalls. Bysshe Partnership was invited to discuss the use of natural and synthetic fibres in the fashion industry.

Festival of Natural Fibres

On the 8th of September Craft Central hosted the event Festival of Natural Fibres with talks, demonstrations, workshops, stalls and exhibitions. Bysshe Partnership were part of two panels discussing the merits of using naturally occurring plant fibres in garment manufacturing and some of the issues when considering synthetic fibres for sustainable fashion.

The Ethics of Fashion

The UK Fashion & Textile Association (UKFT) invited Bysshe Partnership to take part in their seminar The Ethics of Fashion at their headquarters in London on the 23rd of October. The seminar explored current challenges faced by the fashion industry, from the supply chain to the end consumer. Carry Somers from Fashion Revolution, Hannah Newcomb from Fast Forward and Bethany Williams all spoke on their experiences and concerns.

The Hemp Party

On the 12th of July leaders of the UK hemp industry convened for The Hemp Party at Greenhaus in East London to discuss the potential of hemp and its benefits for agriculture, carbon reduction and other environmental and economic industries in the UK and around the world. The evening explored how an increase in hemp manufacturing could assist in job creation, provide new tax revenues for the economy, how it could contribute to the UK’s 2016 Paris Agreement CO2 emissions targets and how it can revitalise the agriculture industry by providing a valuable new cash crop for British farmers.